lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

My experience with blogs

Hi classmates!
Today I'm very sad because it's our last session writting blogs :( but at the same time I'm happy because there are many positive things that I can rescue from this experience.
At first, I wanted to say that it was very nice the context where we wrote our posts, because we could ask for our doubts without problems, and learn from our classmates, because we could interact with them during the blog session and visit their blogs. I have enjoyed some topis, like writting about my future. It was cool, because It wasn't boring doing it, and I think I've improved my english skills. At the begining, writting on a blog was weird for me, because it was a new experience. The first post that I made on my life it was on this english class. I learned how to use this tool that maybe will be useful for me on the future, who knows. Some topics I would suggest were a little bit boring, but finally it depended on ourselves doing them better. Sometimes I just wanted to go home and didn't write the assignment, but finally I realized that doing our classworks was very useful for practice and don't lose the things that I learned at school.
The post I liked the most was the one were we had to write about our favorite photo, because it was a very free topic, and it was very interesting watching others photos. They were all different and, in some way, they reflected a part of us.
It was cool that we could see our classmates posts, because if we couldn't do that, the work would be very boring.
I've learnt writting on a faster way, doing fewer mistakes on each post. That was great, because maybe on the future I'll work with english, and I'll be more prepared at the time I'll use it.
Well, that's all. See you on the next class, but not on the next blog :(

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

My ideal work

Hello class. Today I'm going to talk about my ideal work. I like many things, so I don't have only one option.

I would like to work on a radio, making voices for a movie, writting dialogues for it or acting on a comedy. For that, I need to be very expresive and manage different voices. Be very imaginative and have personality for acting in front many people. It's my dream since I was a child, so I hope one day I'll do it. It would be very funny. I love acting so it would be great. Maybe it would be very difficult working on that because I'm not studying theater, neither audiovisual communication, but who knows, maybe life has a sorprise for me :). I think maybe I can study something related with that later, because I also would like to work helping people, and for that I think anthropology is very useful because of the knowledge and skills that can bring me. I would like to work on something related with improving of education too, so that's why I'm here right know.
Well, that's all for now. See you on class!

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson's video

Hello classmates! today I'm going to talk about creativity and education. First I'm going to make a summary about a Ken Robinson video and then I'm going to give you my opinion about it.

On the video, Ken Robinson talks about education and creativity. He says we all have creativity but on schools they doesn’t teach us to explode it. That’s why we learn that we don’t have to make mistakes, and some things, instead we think are good, are bad. If we are not prepared to be wrong we are not to get new ideas, so that’s te reason we don’t explode all the creativity we have. People is afraid of making mistakes because on school they teach us what’s good and what’s wrong. School give more importance to subjects like math but they don’t care about dance or music. They are very important too. They teach you the things they think are write, and they told you that if you don’t work on something related to those things, you’ll never get a job. You can’t be an artist because you’ll not earn money. People who has artistic habilities doesn’t enjoy them because in many cases they are stigmatized by traditional schools, because for them, the artistic side is not important. He talks about a dancer who’s life it’s great and she doesn’t work on a traditional job. He said we must take a new conception of human ecology and on them we must take a new view of human capacities. We must reorganice the education that we’re giving to our children.The humanitie’s gift is our imagination. We must use this gift wiselly. We must educate children on all the aspects.
I think Ken’s ideas are very important and interesting. I studied on a traditional school since I was 4 years old. I loved music and acting but hadn’t spaces for doing those things. I wasn’t good at biology so some teachers made me feel as an unuseful person. I would love to have more hours of artistic subjects but I couldn’t. As human beings we are integral, so I think we must learn things from many aspects because finally they are related, and they are all important. Our intelligence can not only be estimled with math, we can do many things to have more ideas and wake up our creativity.
Well that’s all for now, see you on the next post

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

My favourite subject

Until now, my favourite subject is Anthropology I. Although we have to do many works and the teacher's assistant is very demanding, I think I learn a lot doing all the works. I liked the last one, because we had to do field work. It was very interesting because we could live, on a little way, how is to work like an anthropologist.

This subject is teached by Daniel Quiroz. I like it very much, because I think he's a great teacher. He know's a lot and he's not interested on the marks. His objective is that we learn. He answers any question and teache's the topics as clear as he can.

This semester, we have learnt how to write an essay. In my opinion, it's not and easy job. You must think a lot and argument all your ideas. In my case, it's not something I can do from one day to another. I like writting them. Now we have to write one about anthropology and ethic, and I'll do my best.

On this semester we had read a lot of books too, and some of them were very interesting. Others, quite boring, but we have learned a lot.

Well, that's all for now...see you on class


lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

My future life

Hi classmates!
On this time I'm going to talk about my hopes and dreams, and what I think I'll be doing on five years more.
By 2014, ideally I will have finished my career. I'll probably be working. Where?, I don't know, but I hope it will be somewhere where I feel comfortably. I don't care if I don't earn much money, I just want to be happy :) . Maybe I will leave Santiago, and I'll be living on the south of Chile. It would be great!!
I would like to live on my own, maybe with friends or with my boyfriend, if we're still together :P. I know it's not easy but I'll try to do it because I want to be independent. I love my parents so I'll visit them all the weeks. Well.. being realistic, maybe I'll achieve it on eight years or more haha..all depends on me.
I hope I'll be a better person, more mature and independent, and I'll not be so denise like now.
I believe all is possible on this life, and I know that if I do things on the write way, I'll be fine.

I hope the world will me a better place, like the Maya's profecy says. A new concious will come on 2012 and we'll be more evoloted people.

Well, that's all for today..peace for everyone (hahaha it sounded soooo hippie)

The best in my area

Hi everyone! today I'm going to talk about my favourite anthropologist. He's name was PierreClastres, a french man. He was ethnographer too, and he is best known for his fieldwork among de Guayaki in Paraguay. We read his work for our Anthropology class, and I liked it very much. I think it's a very interesting work, because it shows the life of de Guayaki comunity from their ownperspective. It was a big work. He lived with those people for about nine months, and he wrote allthat he saw on a diary. He also took records with a recorder, and he learned their language. On his book he makes us realizes about the ethnocide caused by "civilized" societies that disregard any kind of different living. He shows us the difficult life of communities that are not like us, the Occidental society, and how we are, indirectly, killing them. I like it because he's very intelligent and he has wrote lote of things wich are very important nowdays, and makes us understand our world and open our eyes. That makes him the best. He has another work about political anthropology wich it's very interesting too, and I share most of his opinions. I hope we read more of his books. He's my hero, and I want to be like him, a great anthropology wich loved what the did.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Hi everyone! today I'm going to talk about a picture that I like very much. I took it on Valdivia, on a trip that I made with my friends. We went to Argentina first and then we decided to visit this beautiful city located on the south of Chile. It was my first time on Valdivia and I'd like it a lot, instead we arrived one day before the "valdivian night", so we missed all the "valdivian week". There you could breath clean air. We slept two nights on a camping where we could see great landscapes, but then we decided to move to the city.
The photo shows an organ grinder, best knowned as "organillero", a chilean character wich plays music next to a parrot and sells stuff for children. It reminds me my childhood. Nowdays it's more difficult to find one than ten years ago. I remember that I loved them and I always bought whatever they were selling. They rock.

Well that's all for now.. see you on another post

My career

My dear english class:
Today I'm going to talk about my career. I'm studying Anthropology since march of this year. I decided to study this career because I wanted to help people. I think there're many things to do on the world and if we work hard we can make many people happier. I'm very interested on education, and I would like to learn more about it, but first I want to learn about human beings and understand them. I hope that at the end of the career I'll be a very cultivated person, so I'll be able to work on proyects that will make better our society. That's my dream. I want to be useful for the Earth, and do my best for people. I want to help my country to grow, because we don't live alone and I think we're all responsables of the things that happen. Maybe we don't provocate them, but we have the option of making them better.
My favourite subjet it's latinoamerican history. We have to read a lot, but the teacher it's very inteligent and the book very interesting.
On the future I want to work on a magazine or something related with visual Anthropology, a subfield of cultural anthropology that is concerned, in part, with the study and production of ethnographic photography, film and new media, wich contributes to society. That's my north.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

My favourite web site (talking about studies)

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to write about a web site that I visit a lot. I'm talking about FACSO's site, the place on the web where I can find all the information that I need about my career. I only visit the anthropology section. The link of this web site is
I found this site one day looking on google for information about anthropology on University of Chile, before I wanted to study that career. It was very easy to found it, I just asked for web sites related with the words "antropología universidad de chile" and it appeared on the first page of google results.
I visit this site every week, and I like it because there I can find all the papers and texts that I have to read for my classes, so I don't need to waste my time looking for them on the web. It's a great site. I can see too, on the main site, the last news related with the university. It's cool.
Well, that's all for know. See you on my next post!

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my refrigerator.Since I was born, there was one in my house.Last year we gave our old refrigerator to my grandmother and we bought a better one, wich is bigger than the old one and can do ice :D. It's cool. I use it for saving food. Every day, I go to my kitchen and I look for something to eat. My refrigerator always has something for me. I like it because it saves my food and eating makes me happy. If I hadn't a refrigerator I couldn't eat things like ice-cream or meat from one day to another, because they wouldn't be on good conditions. My refrigerator lets me enjoy dessert because he can saves and take care of them for months. I love my refrigerator, and if I hadn't one, I would suffer a lot. My life would be a nightmare, because I love food, and the worst thing you could ever do to me is get rid of a great dessert because it has gone stale. My refrigerator is my happyness.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009


Hellow english class! My name is Francisca and it's the first time that I post on a blog.Now I'll take about me.
I consider myself a a very happy person. I love chocolates and pastas, and humitas too, but only salad ones. I like playing basketball and all sports in general, even if I don't know playing them well. I love listening any kind of music, specially The Beatles and Pink Floyd.
Well, that's all for now..