lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson's video

Hello classmates! today I'm going to talk about creativity and education. First I'm going to make a summary about a Ken Robinson video and then I'm going to give you my opinion about it.

On the video, Ken Robinson talks about education and creativity. He says we all have creativity but on schools they doesn’t teach us to explode it. That’s why we learn that we don’t have to make mistakes, and some things, instead we think are good, are bad. If we are not prepared to be wrong we are not to get new ideas, so that’s te reason we don’t explode all the creativity we have. People is afraid of making mistakes because on school they teach us what’s good and what’s wrong. School give more importance to subjects like math but they don’t care about dance or music. They are very important too. They teach you the things they think are write, and they told you that if you don’t work on something related to those things, you’ll never get a job. You can’t be an artist because you’ll not earn money. People who has artistic habilities doesn’t enjoy them because in many cases they are stigmatized by traditional schools, because for them, the artistic side is not important. He talks about a dancer who’s life it’s great and she doesn’t work on a traditional job. He said we must take a new conception of human ecology and on them we must take a new view of human capacities. We must reorganice the education that we’re giving to our children.The humanitie’s gift is our imagination. We must use this gift wiselly. We must educate children on all the aspects.
I think Ken’s ideas are very important and interesting. I studied on a traditional school since I was 4 years old. I loved music and acting but hadn’t spaces for doing those things. I wasn’t good at biology so some teachers made me feel as an unuseful person. I would love to have more hours of artistic subjects but I couldn’t. As human beings we are integral, so I think we must learn things from many aspects because finally they are related, and they are all important. Our intelligence can not only be estimled with math, we can do many things to have more ideas and wake up our creativity.
Well that’s all for now, see you on the next post

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Pancha!
    I totally agree with you. Our school doesn`t mind to much on artistic subjects and obviously they pay more attention on scientific area. I hope someday that situation changes.


  2. I forgot something: Great picture =)
