domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

My favourite subject

Until now, my favourite subject is Anthropology I. Although we have to do many works and the teacher's assistant is very demanding, I think I learn a lot doing all the works. I liked the last one, because we had to do field work. It was very interesting because we could live, on a little way, how is to work like an anthropologist.

This subject is teached by Daniel Quiroz. I like it very much, because I think he's a great teacher. He know's a lot and he's not interested on the marks. His objective is that we learn. He answers any question and teache's the topics as clear as he can.

This semester, we have learnt how to write an essay. In my opinion, it's not and easy job. You must think a lot and argument all your ideas. In my case, it's not something I can do from one day to another. I like writting them. Now we have to write one about anthropology and ethic, and I'll do my best.

On this semester we had read a lot of books too, and some of them were very interesting. Others, quite boring, but we have learned a lot.

Well, that's all for now...see you on class


lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

My future life

Hi classmates!
On this time I'm going to talk about my hopes and dreams, and what I think I'll be doing on five years more.
By 2014, ideally I will have finished my career. I'll probably be working. Where?, I don't know, but I hope it will be somewhere where I feel comfortably. I don't care if I don't earn much money, I just want to be happy :) . Maybe I will leave Santiago, and I'll be living on the south of Chile. It would be great!!
I would like to live on my own, maybe with friends or with my boyfriend, if we're still together :P. I know it's not easy but I'll try to do it because I want to be independent. I love my parents so I'll visit them all the weeks. Well.. being realistic, maybe I'll achieve it on eight years or more haha..all depends on me.
I hope I'll be a better person, more mature and independent, and I'll not be so denise like now.
I believe all is possible on this life, and I know that if I do things on the write way, I'll be fine.

I hope the world will me a better place, like the Maya's profecy says. A new concious will come on 2012 and we'll be more evoloted people.

Well, that's all for today..peace for everyone (hahaha it sounded soooo hippie)

The best in my area

Hi everyone! today I'm going to talk about my favourite anthropologist. He's name was PierreClastres, a french man. He was ethnographer too, and he is best known for his fieldwork among de Guayaki in Paraguay. We read his work for our Anthropology class, and I liked it very much. I think it's a very interesting work, because it shows the life of de Guayaki comunity from their ownperspective. It was a big work. He lived with those people for about nine months, and he wrote allthat he saw on a diary. He also took records with a recorder, and he learned their language. On his book he makes us realizes about the ethnocide caused by "civilized" societies that disregard any kind of different living. He shows us the difficult life of communities that are not like us, the Occidental society, and how we are, indirectly, killing them. I like it because he's very intelligent and he has wrote lote of things wich are very important nowdays, and makes us understand our world and open our eyes. That makes him the best. He has another work about political anthropology wich it's very interesting too, and I share most of his opinions. I hope we read more of his books. He's my hero, and I want to be like him, a great anthropology wich loved what the did.